van Noordwijk, M., Widodo, R.H., Farida, A., Suyamto, D., Lusiana, B., Tanika, L. and Khasanah, N., 2011. GenRiver and FlowPer: Generic River and Flow Persistence Models: User Manual Version 2.0. World Agroforestry Centre.

van Noordwijk, M., van Oel, P., Muthuri, C., Satnarain, U., Sari, R.R., Rosero, P., Githinji, M., Tanika, L., Best, L., Comlan Assogba, G.G., Kimbowa, G., Andreotti, F., Lagneaux, E., Wamucii, C.N., Hakim, A.L., Miccolis, A., Abdurrahim, A.Y., Farida, A., Speelman, E., Hofstede, G.J., 2022. Mimicking nature to reduce agricultural impact on water cycles: A set of mimetrics. Outlook Agric 003072702110738.

To be updated..

Included R Libraries

Library References
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devtools Wickham H, Hester J, Chang W, Bryan J (2022). devtools: Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier. R packageversion 2.4.5,
excelR Bista S (2020). excelR: A Wrapper of the ‘JavaScript’ Library ‘jExcel’. R package version 0.4.0,
flowdem Martinsen KT (2023). flowdem: Flow routing on digital elevation models. R package version 0.2, commit78fac228184813ee66eaa840e66bfb8a90816ed9,
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