1 |
C_CattleSale |
Sale Factor Rate number of Cattle |
cattle |
0 |
2 |
C_DailyIntake |
The daily factor of |
cattle |
-1 |
3 |
C_DailyTrampFac |
daily soil tramping factor |
cattle |
-1 |
4 |
D_FeedingIntoLake |
The Option to determine the contributory of subcathment to lake |
dynamic |
5 |
D_InitLakeVol |
Initial lake water volume |
dynamic |
mm |
6 |
D_SubCResUseFrac |
Fraction of water use by Reservoir on the subcathment level |
dynamic |
7 |
D_TotRiver flowNoDelay |
Cumulative amount of river flow without delay |
dynamic |
mm |
8 |
G_GrassLitConv |
Weighting value of grass to contribute the litter |
grass |
-1 |
9 |
G_GrassMortFrac |
Mortality factor of the grass |
grass |
-0.03 |
10 |
G_GrazingManConv |
Weighting value of artificial grazing factor |
grass |
-0.1 |
11 |
G_SurfLitDecFrac |
Fraction of decaying litter on the soil surface |
grass |
-0.03 |
12 |
G_SurfManureDecFrac |
Fraction of decaying manure on the soil surface |
grass |
-0.01 |
13 |
G_TramplingMultiplier |
Multiplication of Trampling factor |
grass |
0 |
2 |
0 |
14 |
grass |
-0.04 |
15 |
I_Area |
Area of each subcatchment |
input |
km2 |
16 |
I_AvailWaterConst |
Constant value of water availability for plant |
input |
mm |
0 |
1000 |
300 |
17 |
I_CaDOYStart |
Day of year at which simulation starts |
input |
julian days |
0 |
365 |
0 |
18 |
I_DailyETYear |
Daily potential evapotranspiration |
input |
mm |
19 |
I_DailyRain |
input |
20 |
I_DailyRainYearr |
Daily rainfall for each unit Subcatchment |
input |
mm |
21 |
I_DamInThisStream |
To Opt the Dam position in the subcathment |
input |
boolean |
22 |
I_Evapotrans |
Potential evapotranspiration (Penmann type) |
input |
mm |
23 |
I_EvapotransMethod |
input |
1 |
2 |
1 |
24 |
I_FracVegClass |
Land cover class frequency for each subcatchment for four of years of landcover change transition |
input |
25 |
I_GWRelFrac |
Daily groundwater release fraction for each subcatchment for four of years of landcover change transition |
input |
26 |
I_GWRelFracConst |
Constant value of daily groundwater release fraction |
input |
mm |
0 |
1 |
0.03 |
27 |
I_GWRelFracConst_q |
Switch to decide an option to have a constant groundwater release fraction and constant maximum groundwater store. Value 0 means constant for groundwater release fraction and irregular for maximum groundwater storage capacity, value 1 means irregular for groundwater release fraction and constant for maximum groundwater storage capacity. |
input |
0 |
1 |
0 |
28 |
I_InitRelGW |
Initial groundwater store relative to maximum value |
input |
0 |
1 |
1 |
29 |
I_InitRelSoil |
Initial soil water content relative to field capacity |
input |
0 |
2 |
1 |
30 |
I_InputDataYears |
Year of transition of land cover change |
input |
year |
31 |
I_InterceptClass |
Interception storage capacity per land cover class |
input |
mm |
32 |
I_InterceptEffectonTransp |
Weighted factor of Transpiration affected by water Interception |
input |
0 |
1 |
0.5 |
33 |
I_MaxDynGWConst |
Constant value of dynamic groundwater storage capacity |
input |
mm |
1 |
2000 |
350 |
34 |
I_MaxDynGWSub |
Dynamic groundwater storage capacity for each subcatchment for four of years of landcover change transition |
input |
mm |
35 |
I_MaxInf |
Maximum infiltration capacity |
input |
mm day -1 |
30 |
1000 |
720 |
36 |
I_MaxInfSSoil |
Maximum infiltration capacity of sub soil |
input |
mm day -1 |
0 |
1000 |
-120 |
37 |
I_MultiplierEvapoTrans |
Multiplier of potential evapotranspiration for each vegetation class and subcatchment |
input |
38 |
I_PercFracMultiplier |
Multiplier of fraction of water percolation |
input |
0 |
10 |
0.13 |
39 |
I_PlantAvWatSub |
Value of water availability for plant for each subcatchment for four of years of landcover change transition |
input |
mm |
40 |
I_PowerInfiltRed |
Degree of Power equation |
input |
3 |
3.5 |
3.5 |
41 |
I_PWPSub |
Permanent wilting point Parameter |
input |
mm |
42 |
I_RainCycle |
Parameter governing ways to read rainfall data. 0 = use multiple year rainfall data, 1 = use 1 year data in cycle/continuously) |
input |
boolean |
43 |
I_RainGenSeed |
Seed random generator for rainfall rate |
input |
-300 |
44 |
I_RainIntensCoefVar |
Coefficient of variation of rainfall intensity |
input |
0 |
1 |
0.3 |
45 |
I_RainIntensMean |
Average rain intensity per hour. Rain intensity is a factor affecting water infiltration. It is assumes to follow normal distribution with an average of Rain_IntensMean and standard deviation Rain_IntensMean*Rain_IntensCoefVar |
input |
mm day-1 |
1 |
100 |
30 |
46 |
I_RainIntercDripRt |
The rate of water dripping from water on interception surface |
input |
mm hr-1 |
5 |
15 |
10 |
47 |
I_RainMaxIntDripDur |
Maximum value of water interception delay before start to dripping |
input |
mm hr-1 |
0 |
5 |
0.5 |
48 |
I_RainMultiplier |
Multiplier of rainfall for quick modifications of rainfall amount |
input |
0 |
5 |
1 |
49 |
I_RainYearStart |
Initial year based on rainfall data at which simulation starts |
input |
0 |
25 |
0 |
50 |
I_RelDroughtFact |
Drought limitation to transpiration per land cover class relative to field capacity |
input |
51 |
I_RFlowData mmday |
Daily amount of actual river flow data for the whole subcatchment |
input |
mm |
52 |
I_RFlowDataYear |
Daily discharge data for each unit Subcatchment |
input |
mm |
53 |
I_River flowDispersalFactor |
The dispersal pattern flow patch of river |
input |
0.01 |
1 |
0.3 |
54 |
I_RivFlowTime |
Ratio of time arrival of river flow per subcatchment |
input |
55 |
I_RoutingDistance |
Distance from centre of subcatchment to measurement point |
input |
km |
56 |
I_RoutVeloc_m_Per_s |
River flow velocity |
input |
m sec-1 |
0.001 |
25 |
0.4 |
57 |
I_SoilPropConst |
Switch to decide an option to have a constant value of water availability for plant and soil saturation. Value 0 means irregular, value 1 means constant. |
input |
boolean |
0 |
58 |
I_SoilQFlowFrac |
input |
0 |
2 |
1 |
59 |
I_SoilSatminFCConst |
Constant value of difference between saturation water storage capacity and field capacity of the soil |
input |
mm |
0 |
500 |
100 |
60 |
I_SoilSatMinFCSub |
Difference between saturation water storage capacity and field capacity of the soil for each vegetation class and subcatchment for four years of simulation transition |
input |
mm |
61 |
I_SpatRain |
Daily rainfall for each unit Subcatchment generated from SpatRain module. |
input |
mm |
62 |
I_SurfLossFrac |
Fraction of surface flow loses |
input |
0 |
1 |
0 |
63 |
I_TopSoilBD_BDRef |
Value of Top soil BD/BDref |
input |
64 |
I_Tortuosity |
Measured distance/real path length of streams |
input |
0 |
1 |
0.4 |
65 |
I_UseSpatVarRain |
Switch to decide an option to use spatial rainfall distribution generated from SpatRain module. Value 1 means using spatial rainfall distribution generated from SpatRain module. |
input |
boolean |
66 |
I_WarmUpTime |
Time to initialize the values of water stocks |
input |
day |
0 |
730 |
365 |
67 |
L_CumHEPPUse |
Cumulative Water use to operate HEPP |
lake |
kwh |
68 |
L_FloodTresh |
Beginning of the flooding event |
lake |
m |
-363 |
69 |
L_HEPP kwh |
lake |
70 |
L_HEPPActive |
Option to switch on the HEPP operating procesures |
lake |
boolean |
71 |
L_HEPPOpTimeRel |
Optimalization of time Operating HEPP |
lake |
72 |
L_HEPPWatUseFlow |
The flow of Water use by HEPP |
lake |
mm |
73 |
L_InflowtoLake |
Daily amount of river water flows to Lake |
lake |
mm |
74 |
L_Lake |
Switch to decide an option whether the subcatchment lake or not. Value 1 means lake |
lake |
boolean |
75 |
L_LakeBottomElev |
Bottom Lake Elevation |
lake |
m (asl) |
-160 |
76 |
L_LakeElevPreHEPP |
Lake Elevation of pre Operating HEPP |
lake |
m (asl) |
-362 |
77 |
L_LakeLevel |
Level of water in the lake |
lake |
m |
78 |
L_LakeLevelFullHEPP |
Lake level of Full Operating HEPP |
lake |
m |
-362 |
79 |
L_LakeLevelHalfHEPP |
Lake level of Full Operating HEPP |
lake |
m |
-362 |
80 |
L_LakeLevelNoHEPP |
Lake level of Full Operating HEPP |
lake |
m |
-360 |
81 |
L_LakeOverFlowFrac |
Fraction of Overflow |
lake |
-0.1 |
82 |
L_LakeOverFlPostHEPP |
Overflow post operating HEPP |
lake |
m |
-363 |
83 |
L_LakeOverFlPow |
Overflow power |
lake |
m |
-4 |
84 |
L_LakeTranspMultiplier |
Multiplication of Lake Evapotranspiration rate |
lake |
0 |
5 |
1 |
85 |
L_LakeVol |
Volume water in the lake |
lake |
m3 |
86 |
L_m3_per_kwh |
Water requirement to produce Electricity per kwh |
lake |
m3 |
-1584 |
87 |
L_QmecsHEPP |
Inflow to HEPP |
lake |
m3 |
-47 |
88 |
L_QmecsSanFlow |
Sanitary Flow |
lake |
-3 |
89 |
L_ResrDepth |
The depth of reservoir |
lake |
m |
-10000 |
90 |
L_RivOutFlow |
Lake Outflow to the river |
lake |
mm |
91 |
O_BaseFlowAcc |
Daily amount of base flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class |
output |
mm |
92 |
The Best year Estimation of HEPP operating |
output |
kwh |
93 |
O_ChkAllCatchmAccFor |
Overall balance of input and output of water in catchment level |
output |
mm |
94 |
O_ChkAllLakeAccFor |
Overall balance of input and output of water in lake level |
output |
mm |
95 |
O_ChkAllRiverAccFor |
Overall balance of input and output of water in river level |
output |
mm |
96 |
O_CumBaseFlow |
Cumulative amount of base flow the whole subcatchment and vegetation class |
output |
mm |
97 |
O_CumBaseFlowMP |
Cumulative amount of base flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class for each transition period |
output |
mm |
98 |
O_CumDebitDataMP |
Cumulative amount of actual river flow data for the whole subcatchment for each transition period |
output |
mm |
99 |
O_CumDebitPredMP |
Cumulative amount of prediction river flow data for the whole subcatchment for each transition period |
output |
mm |
100 |
O_CumDeepInfilt |
Cumulative amount of water deeply infiltrate to the soil for the whole subcatchment |
output |
mm |
101 |
O_CumETLandMP |
Cumulative amount of evapotranspiration for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class for each transition period |
output |
mm |
102 |
O_CumEvapotrans |
output |
103 |
O_CumEvapotransMP |
output |
104 |
O_CumHEPPOutflowMP |
Cumulative HEPP Outflow on Each Transition Period |
output |
mm |
105 |
O_CumInfiltration |
Cumulative amount of water infiltrate to the soil for the whole subcatchment |
output |
mm |
106 |
O_CumInfiltrationMP |
output |
107 |
O_CumInterceptEvap |
Cumulative amount of water evaporated from intercepted water for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class |
output |
mm |
108 |
O_CumInterceptEvapMP |
output |
109 |
O_CumPercolation |
Cumulative amount of percolation water for the whole subcatchment |
output |
mm |
110 |
O_CumRain |
Cumulative amount of daily rainfall for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class |
output |
mm |
111 |
O_CumRainMP |
Cumulative amount of daily rainfall for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class for each transition period |
output |
mm |
112 |
O_CumRivInflowToLakeMP |
Cumulative amount of river water flows to Lake on each transition period |
output |
mm |
113 |
O_CumRivOutFlowMP |
Cumulative amount of river water out flow for each transition period |
output |
mm |
114 |
O_CumSoilQFlow |
Cumulative amount of soil quick flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class |
output |
mm |
115 |
O_CumSoilQFlowMP |
Cumulative amount of soil quick flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class for each transition period |
output |
mm |
116 |
O_CumSurfQFlow |
Cumulative amount of surface quick flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class |
output |
mm |
117 |
O_CumSurfQFlowMP |
Cumulative amount of surface quick flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class for each transition period |
output |
mm |
118 |
O_CumTransp |
Cumulative amount of evapotranspiration for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class |
output |
mm |
119 |
O_CumTranspMP |
output |
120 |
O_DeepInfAcc |
output |
121 |
O_DeltaGWStock |
Changing in ground water stock |
output |
mm |
122 |
O_EvapotransAcc |
output |
123 |
O_FrBaseFlow |
Cumulative amount of base flow relative to cumulative amount of river flow |
output |
mm |
124 |
O_FrSoilQuickflow |
Cumulative amount of soil quick flow relative to cumulative amount of river flow |
output |
mm |
125 |
O_FrSurfQuickFlow |
Cumulative amount of surface quick flow relative to cumulative amount of river flow |
output |
mm |
126 |
O_HEPP kwh per day |
Amount of water used in mm day-1 for whole catchment |
output |
mm |
127 |
O_InfAcc |
output |
128 |
O_IntercAcc |
Daily amount of water evaporated from intercepted water for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class |
output |
mm |
129 |
O_MperiodeLength |
Daily simulation period |
output |
day |
-365 |
130 |
O_PercAcc |
output |
131 |
O_RainAcc |
Daily amount of rainfall for the whole subcatchment |
output |
mm |
132 |
O_RelOpTimeHEPP |
Time operating of HEPP per simulation period |
output |
mm |
133 |
O_SoilQFlowAcc |
Daily amount of soil quick flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class |
output |
mm |
134 |
O_StartDOY |
Starting day to begin simulation |
output |
day |
0 |
135 |
O_StartMYear |
Starting year of begin simulation |
output |
year |
136 |
O_SurfQFlowAcc |
Daily amount of surface quick flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class |
output |
mm |
137 |
O_TotStream flow |
Cumulative amount of surface quick flow, soil quick flow and base flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class |
output |
mm |
138 |
O_WorstYHEPP |
The Worse year Estimation of HEPP operating |
output |
kwh |
139 |
S_TrampMax |
Maximum soil tramping factor |
soil |
-100 |