
  • Base flow is the portion of stream flow that derives from groundwater and is not related to current or recent rainfall.
  • BD/BDref is the bulk density of a soil layer relative to the ‘reference bulk density’ that can be expected for soil of similar texture under natural forest conditions
  • Buffering capacity is the ability of a system to reduce the impact of external variation on internal properties, e.g. reducing the variation in stream flow relative to variation in rainfall.
  • Buffering indicator is derived from the ratio of above-average stream flow and above-average rainfall.
  • Buffering for peak events is the ‘buffer’ function demonstrated at peak rainfall events.
  • C/Cref is the organic soil carbon content of a soil relative to the ‘reference soil Corg concentration’ that can be expected for soil of similar texture, pH, and mineralogy under natural forest conditions at the given elevation (temperature regime) The discharge or Outflow of a river is the volume of water it transports in a certain amount of time. The unit used is usually m³/s (cubic meters per second).
  • Evapotranspiration is a term used to describe the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the earth’s land surface to the atmosphere. Evaporation accounts for the movement of water to the air from sources such as the soil, canopy interception, and waterbodies. Transpiration accounts for the movement of water within a plant and the subsequent loss of water as vapor through stomata in its leaves.
  • Field capacity is the volumetric soil water content measured 1 day after a saturating rainfall event, when rapid drainage and interflow have removed excess water to streams or groundwater
  • Flash floods are floods caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period, generally under 6 hours. They cause stream flow and water levels to rise and fall rapidly.
  • Flow persistence is the minimum volume of river flow that can be expected as a fraction of flow on the previous day
  • Gradual water release is a gradual release of (ground) water during periods without rainfall (‘dry season)
  • Groundwater discharge is the release of groundwater to streams or subsurface flows.
  • Interflow see Quickflow
  • Low flow is flow through a watercourse after a prolonged absence of rainfall.
  • Overland flow see surface runoff
  • Overflow or Bank overflow is a flow of water outside of the regular river bed during conditions where recent inflow minus outflow has exceeded the storage capacity.
  • Peak flows is the maximum flow through a watercourse.
  • Precipitation is all forms of water particles, whether liquid or solid, that fall from the atmosphere to the ground. Distinguished from cloud, fog, dew, and frost, precipitation includes rain, drizzle, snow, and hail.
  • Quickflow or Interflow is part of a storm rainfall that moves laterally through hillslope soils to a stream channel; it infiltrates the soil, but cannot be retained by the soil at its ‘field capacity’; shallow groundwater or interflow may emerge at the surface at the bottom of slopes and flow across the ground surface to the stream.
  • Relative buffering indicator is the ‘buffer’ function adjusted for relative annual water yield
  • River flow is the flow of water in the river channel
  • Storage capacity is the total amount of water that can be stored in a reservoir before overflow occurs.
  • Stream flow is the flow of water in streams, rivers, and other channels.
  • Surface runoff or Overland flow is the flow across the land surface of the water when the rainfall rate exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soil. The rate of infiltration, and therefore the possibility of surface runoff, is determined by such factors as soil type, vegetation, and the presence of shallow, relatively impermeable, soil horizons. Saturated overland flow can occur when a temporary rise of the water table inhibits infiltration and causes flow over the surface.
  • Total discharge fraction is the total water yield (discharge) per unit of rainfall, usually on an annual basis.
  • Water balance is the comparison over a certain period (e.g. month or year) of inflow of water (precipitation) and outflows by evapotranspiration, stream flow, and subsurface flows.
  • Water quality is the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water concerning its suitability for a particular use.
  • Water storage is the volume of water that can be (temporarily) withheld from evapotranspiration, stream flow, or subsurface flows, either above ground in lakes, rivers, and other waterways or below ground as groundwater.
  • Water transmission is the fraction of incoming precipitation that is converted into stream flow.


No Variable Definition Category Unit Min Max Default
1 C_CattleSale Sale Factor Rate number of Cattle cattle       0
2 C_DailyIntake The daily factor of cattle       -1
3 C_DailyTrampFac daily soil tramping factor cattle       -1
4 D_FeedingIntoLake The Option to determine the contributory of subcathment to lake dynamic        
5 D_InitLakeVol Initial lake water volume dynamic mm      
6 D_SubCResUseFrac Fraction of water use by Reservoir on the subcathment level dynamic        
7 D_TotRiver flowNoDelay Cumulative amount of river flow without delay dynamic mm      
8 G_GrassLitConv Weighting value of grass to contribute the litter grass       -1
9 G_GrassMortFrac Mortality factor of the grass grass       -0.03
10 G_GrazingManConv Weighting value of artificial grazing factor grass       -0.1
11 G_SurfLitDecFrac Fraction of decaying litter on the soil surface grass       -0.03
12 G_SurfManureDecFrac Fraction of decaying manure on the soil surface grass       -0.01
13 G_TramplingMultiplier Multiplication of Trampling factor grass   0 2 0
14 G_WUE   grass       -0.04
15 I_Area Area of each subcatchment input km2      
16 I_AvailWaterConst Constant value of water availability for plant input mm 0 1000 300
17 I_CaDOYStart Day of year at which simulation starts input julian days 0 365 0
18 I_DailyETYear Daily potential evapotranspiration input mm      
19 I_DailyRain   input        
20 I_DailyRainYearr Daily rainfall for each unit Subcatchment input mm      
21 I_DamInThisStream To Opt the Dam position in the subcathment input boolean      
22 I_Evapotrans Potential evapotranspiration (Penmann type) input mm      
23 I_EvapotransMethod   input   1 2 1
24 I_FracVegClass Land cover class frequency for each subcatchment for four of years of landcover change transition input        
25 I_GWRelFrac Daily groundwater release fraction for each subcatchment for four of years of landcover change transition input        
26 I_GWRelFracConst Constant value of daily groundwater release fraction input mm 0 1 0.03
27 I_GWRelFracConst_q Switch to decide an option to have a constant groundwater release fraction and constant maximum groundwater store. Value 0 means constant for groundwater release fraction and irregular for maximum groundwater storage capacity, value 1 means irregular for groundwater release fraction and constant for maximum groundwater storage capacity. input   0 1 0
28 I_InitRelGW Initial groundwater store relative to maximum value input   0 1 1
29 I_InitRelSoil Initial soil water content relative to field capacity input   0 2 1
30 I_InputDataYears Year of transition of land cover change input year      
31 I_InterceptClass Interception storage capacity per land cover class input mm      
32 I_InterceptEffectonTransp Weighted factor of Transpiration affected by water Interception input   0 1 0.5
33 I_MaxDynGWConst Constant value of dynamic groundwater storage capacity input mm 1 2000 350
34 I_MaxDynGWSub Dynamic groundwater storage capacity for each subcatchment for four of years of landcover change transition input mm      
35 I_MaxInf Maximum infiltration capacity input mm day -1 30 1000 720
36 I_MaxInfSSoil Maximum infiltration capacity of sub soil input mm day -1 0 1000 -120
37 I_MultiplierEvapoTrans Multiplier of potential evapotranspiration for each vegetation class and subcatchment input        
38 I_PercFracMultiplier Multiplier of fraction of water percolation input   0 10 0.13
39 I_PlantAvWatSub Value of water availability for plant for each subcatchment for four of years of landcover change transition input mm      
40 I_PowerInfiltRed Degree of Power equation input   3 3.5 3.5
41 I_PWPSub Permanent wilting point Parameter input mm      
42 I_RainCycle Parameter governing ways to read rainfall data. 0 = use multiple year rainfall data, 1 = use 1 year data in cycle/continuously) input boolean      
43 I_RainGenSeed Seed random generator for rainfall rate input       -300
44 I_RainIntensCoefVar Coefficient of variation of rainfall intensity input   0 1 0.3
45 I_RainIntensMean Average rain intensity per hour. Rain intensity is a factor affecting water infiltration. It is assumes to follow normal distribution with an average of Rain_IntensMean and standard deviation Rain_IntensMean*Rain_IntensCoefVar input mm day-1 1 100 30
46 I_RainIntercDripRt The rate of water dripping from water on interception surface input mm hr-1 5 15 10
47 I_RainMaxIntDripDur Maximum value of water interception delay before start to dripping input mm hr-1 0 5 0.5
48 I_RainMultiplier Multiplier of rainfall for quick modifications of rainfall amount input   0 5 1
49 I_RainYearStart Initial year based on rainfall data at which simulation starts input   0 25 0
50 I_RelDroughtFact Drought limitation to transpiration per land cover class relative to field capacity input        
51 I_RFlowData mmday Daily amount of actual river flow data for the whole subcatchment input mm      
52 I_RFlowDataYear Daily discharge data for each unit Subcatchment input mm      
53 I_River flowDispersalFactor The dispersal pattern flow patch of river input   0.01 1 0.3
54 I_RivFlowTime Ratio of time arrival of river flow per subcatchment input        
55 I_RoutingDistance Distance from centre of subcatchment to measurement point input km      
56 I_RoutVeloc_m_Per_s River flow velocity input m sec-1 0.001 25 0.4
57 I_SoilPropConst Switch to decide an option to have a constant value of water availability for plant and soil saturation. Value 0 means irregular, value 1 means constant. input boolean     0
58 I_SoilQFlowFrac   input   0 2 1
59 I_SoilSatminFCConst Constant value of difference between saturation water storage capacity and field capacity of the soil input mm 0 500 100
60 I_SoilSatMinFCSub Difference between saturation water storage capacity and field capacity of the soil for each vegetation class and subcatchment for four years of simulation transition input mm      
61 I_SpatRain Daily rainfall for each unit Subcatchment generated from SpatRain module. input mm      
62 I_SurfLossFrac Fraction of surface flow loses input   0 1 0
63 I_TopSoilBD_BDRef Value of Top soil BD/BDref input        
64 I_Tortuosity Measured distance/real path length of streams input   0 1 0.4
65 I_UseSpatVarRain Switch to decide an option to use spatial rainfall distribution generated from SpatRain module. Value 1 means using spatial rainfall distribution generated from SpatRain module. input boolean      
66 I_WarmUpTime Time to initialize the values of water stocks input day 0 730 365
67 L_CumHEPPUse Cumulative Water use to operate HEPP lake kwh      
68 L_FloodTresh Beginning of the flooding event lake m     -363
69 L_HEPP kwh   lake        
70 L_HEPPActive Option to switch on the HEPP operating procesures lake boolean      
71 L_HEPPOpTimeRel Optimalization of time Operating HEPP lake        
72 L_HEPPWatUseFlow The flow of Water use by HEPP lake mm      
73 L_InflowtoLake Daily amount of river water flows to Lake lake mm      
74 L_Lake Switch to decide an option whether the subcatchment lake or not. Value 1 means lake lake boolean      
75 L_LakeBottomElev Bottom Lake Elevation lake m (asl)     -160
76 L_LakeElevPreHEPP Lake Elevation of pre Operating HEPP lake m (asl)     -362
77 L_LakeLevel Level of water in the lake lake m      
78 L_LakeLevelFullHEPP Lake level of Full Operating HEPP lake m     -362
79 L_LakeLevelHalfHEPP Lake level of Full Operating HEPP lake m     -362
80 L_LakeLevelNoHEPP Lake level of Full Operating HEPP lake m     -360
81 L_LakeOverFlowFrac Fraction of Overflow lake       -0.1
82 L_LakeOverFlPostHEPP Overflow post operating HEPP lake m     -363
83 L_LakeOverFlPow Overflow power lake m     -4
84 L_LakeTranspMultiplier Multiplication of Lake Evapotranspiration rate lake   0 5 1
85 L_LakeVol Volume water in the lake lake m3      
86 L_m3_per_kwh Water requirement to produce Electricity per kwh lake m3     -1584
87 L_QmecsHEPP Inflow to HEPP lake m3     -47
88 L_QmecsSanFlow Sanitary Flow lake       -3
89 L_ResrDepth The depth of reservoir lake m     -10000
90 L_RivOutFlow Lake Outflow to the river lake mm      
91 O_BaseFlowAcc Daily amount of base flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class output mm      
92 O_BestYHEPP The Best year Estimation of HEPP operating output kwh      
93 O_ChkAllCatchmAccFor Overall balance of input and output of water in catchment level output mm      
94 O_ChkAllLakeAccFor Overall balance of input and output of water in lake level output mm      
95 O_ChkAllRiverAccFor Overall balance of input and output of water in river level output mm      
96 O_CumBaseFlow Cumulative amount of base flow the whole subcatchment and vegetation class output mm      
97 O_CumBaseFlowMP Cumulative amount of base flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class for each transition period output mm      
98 O_CumDebitDataMP Cumulative amount of actual river flow data for the whole subcatchment for each transition period output mm      
99 O_CumDebitPredMP Cumulative amount of prediction river flow data for the whole subcatchment for each transition period output mm      
100 O_CumDeepInfilt Cumulative amount of water deeply infiltrate to the soil for the whole subcatchment output mm      
101 O_CumETLandMP Cumulative amount of evapotranspiration for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class for each transition period output mm      
102 O_CumEvapotrans   output        
103 O_CumEvapotransMP   output        
104 O_CumHEPPOutflowMP Cumulative HEPP Outflow on Each Transition Period output mm      
105 O_CumInfiltration Cumulative amount of water infiltrate to the soil for the whole subcatchment output mm      
106 O_CumInfiltrationMP   output        
107 O_CumInterceptEvap Cumulative amount of water evaporated from intercepted water for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class output mm      
108 O_CumInterceptEvapMP   output        
109 O_CumPercolation Cumulative amount of percolation water for the whole subcatchment output mm      
110 O_CumRain Cumulative amount of daily rainfall for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class output mm      
111 O_CumRainMP Cumulative amount of daily rainfall for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class for each transition period output mm      
112 O_CumRivInflowToLakeMP Cumulative amount of river water flows to Lake on each transition period output mm      
113 O_CumRivOutFlowMP Cumulative amount of river water out flow for each transition period output mm      
114 O_CumSoilQFlow Cumulative amount of soil quick flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class output mm      
115 O_CumSoilQFlowMP Cumulative amount of soil quick flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class for each transition period output mm      
116 O_CumSurfQFlow Cumulative amount of surface quick flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class output mm      
117 O_CumSurfQFlowMP Cumulative amount of surface quick flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class for each transition period output mm      
118 O_CumTransp Cumulative amount of evapotranspiration for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class output mm      
119 O_CumTranspMP   output        
120 O_DeepInfAcc   output        
121 O_DeltaGWStock Changing in ground water stock output mm      
122 O_EvapotransAcc   output        
123 O_FrBaseFlow Cumulative amount of base flow relative to cumulative amount of river flow output mm      
124 O_FrSoilQuickflow Cumulative amount of soil quick flow relative to cumulative amount of river flow output mm      
125 O_FrSurfQuickFlow Cumulative amount of surface quick flow relative to cumulative amount of river flow output mm      
126 O_HEPP kwh per day Amount of water used in mm day-1 for whole catchment output mm      
127 O_InfAcc   output        
128 O_IntercAcc Daily amount of water evaporated from intercepted water for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class output mm      
129 O_MperiodeLength Daily simulation period output day     -365
130 O_PercAcc   output        
131 O_RainAcc Daily amount of rainfall for the whole subcatchment output mm      
132 O_RelOpTimeHEPP Time operating of HEPP per simulation period output mm      
133 O_SoilQFlowAcc Daily amount of soil quick flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class output mm      
134 O_StartDOY Starting day to begin simulation output day     0
135 O_StartMYear Starting year of begin simulation output year      
136 O_SurfQFlowAcc Daily amount of surface quick flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class output mm      
137 O_TotStream flow Cumulative amount of surface quick flow, soil quick flow and base flow for the whole subcatchment and vegetation class output mm      
138 O_WorstYHEPP The Worse year Estimation of HEPP operating output kwh      
139 S_TrampMax Maximum soil tramping factor soil       -100